Université de Montpellier 1, France
University Montpellier 1 is a pluri-disciplinary university with 7 faculties and two institutes:  ISEM (Business School) and IPAG (www.univ-montp1.fr). In 2010/2011, 23512 full time students have enrolled in the University at bachelor, master and PhD levels. With its tradition of hosting a large number of international students the university is fostering the mobility of its students, professors and administrative staff. UM 1 participates in 198 international exchange schemes together with universities all over the world among them with 139 European Universities. As the oldest School of Medicine still active in Europe, UM1 has always been involved in the international academic community. It is a member of the Latinus Network for the promotion of the roman culture and of the Coimbra Group, a network of historic European Universities.  UM1 has a high level scientific potential through its 47 research units mainly in health and biological science and law, economics and management.
collapse  Université de Montpellier 1, France
Sebastien Ponst
​Sebastien Ponst is the director of the department of prospective and operational management and has been involved in the developments of QA processes at UMP1
Sylvie Narejos
​Sylvie Narejos is the head of the quality assurance office at the UMP1 and has been involved in QA cooperation with other European universities. Recently, Sylvie has participated in the QA network and activities form under the JISER-MED project.